Why Give Up?

We live in a society where knowledge is not valued, some see it as what they need to pass exam, many take it what they need temporary but which ever way you see it, it’s all about what you need to move ahead of you equal field of endeavors. Why you so much bothered about what people are thinks about you when you know that you can do something to prove to them that you can define yourself.
Even if you have fallen several times, do you believe that you are not going to make it? Are you finally convinced that you are a total failure?, my dear you are wrong because your delays to life doesn’t mean that your name have been denied from entering into the record book of success, don’t give up so soon because every closed door in your life is an opportunity for another bigger one to open, or are tired of occupying the position as an ambassador of poverty?
Dear despite the fact that you have fallen, don’t worry it is never too late for you to try again, don’t be afraid of the limit across the line, you have got a reason to live, you can still dream again, don’t be skeptical about it because you are special because without you the world is incomplete.


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