How to take care of those inner wears without ruining them

Bras are constantly absorbing your body's sweat, oils, and dirt, not to mention their creepy closeness to your armpits. Basically, if you don't wash your bras properly, they'll wear out faster, and you'll find yourself at the popular underwear shop once again, when you can save that money for other relevant needs.

Cheap bras vs Expensive bras
We're talking about your sports bras, your t-shirt bras, your two for #50 Target bras (just kidding, I've never seen a bra that cheap). But bras have levels, it all depends on the quality. Whether you bought it from bend-down-select (a.k.a Okirika) or you bought yours from the latest Victoria secret designer boutique in town. What matters most is how you take care of them. 

Stop piling them up
I am aware that some women don't even bother washing there undies for a whole month, because its an inner wear and not to be camouflage like other wears, So they keep piling up those dirty undies for weeks or till the end of the month, and then hurries off to the dry cleaning office and pay some amount of money, when you can actually do the washing on your own. Instead packing them up everyday, you can be washing them immediately you remove them right from the bathroom.

Now here are some tips you can use to keep them clean.

1. Throw them into the washing machine on the delicate cycle. If you're like me and have literally never used the delicate cycle before, think of this as an exciting new experience you get to cross off your bucket list.

2. Use a laundry bag if you're worried about tearing and tangling. Those pesky little bra hooks sure can wreck the rest of your laundry. If you don't have any laundry bags, hook each bra closed before washing, so the hooks don't accidentally snag anything and the straps don't get tangled.

3. Sock with mild detergent. Use a gentle detergent, and give them a spa-like treatment. Fill the sink with cool water. Let the bras sink slowly into the sudsy depths.

4. Massage them gently with hands. After about 5-10 minutes of soaking, gently slosh around the bras, paying special attention to any sweaty/stained areas.

5. Lay or hang to dry. But first, reshape the cups. Then hang them out the sun to dry. 


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