Texas Santa Fe Shooting; 10 Killed as 13 Are Still Battling With Their Lives

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According to the eye witnesses, when the shots went off in the school, some people didn't understand what was happening until they saw people running up and down. Most of the students took refuge at the gas stations, people's nearby homes, and around the schools secured places. Mehran Ali who is a gas station attendant, he said that him and his co- workers saw some people running up and down into the gas station shouting and crying out for help, so they had no option because the students seems frightened, so they offered them a place to stay. “Some needed to call their parents to a lot them we gave them phones to do the calls. There was this girl who was crying out bitterly that their school was been shot at, and they needed our help, there were about 20 of them in total, so we didn't have any options than to help them.”

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The Santa Fe Independent School District has announced that schools would be closed on Monday and Tuesday. According to the school authorities “Today is a day to begin mourning those we have lost, and nursing those who are hurt. We are in this together. This is only the first of many times that we’ll come together to lift our community back up,” Abbott said.

Santa Fe High School students participated in National School walkout demanding actions to Cobb school shootings, Emma Gonzalez twitted that students deserve more than prayers and walking out your voices.


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